Without Clothes Through Time

Without clothes through time – First there was nudity. Then there was nudity for a long time. It was only recently that nudism emerged. In this video, we tell you about the origin and flourishing of nudism, which was also helped by crowned heads. Did you know that the Edward VIII the King of the United Kingdom was one of the first nudists in the Adriatic?

Without clothes through time

How old is nudity? The answer to this question is simple: as old as human. Weren’t people in the Stone Age and even later naked? Let’s look back to Ancient Greece, where naked athletes competed in the Olympics 2,000 years ago. Till this day, however, tropical countries are home to people who are only partially clothed or naked in their daily lives.

In the past people didn’t know shame. Nudity was something completely normal. We started dressing simply to protect ourselves from the unpleasant cold.

Then people invented the rules

Associated with the development of religions, laws began to be written and rules set, which over the past millennium have increasingly intensified the feeling of shame in people.

It soon came to pass that men who showed their genitals to women, were considered perverts. Women who showed a little more skin, however, were declared whores and adulteresses.

Nudity was normal only during the same sex. In Roman and then in medieval public baths, men and women were strictly separated. So it was also on conventionally dressed beaches. Not long ago, the city beach in Trieste was separated. One part was reserved for women and the other only for men.

But, now we are talking about nudity. Nudism, however, is something else. It is a relaxed fellowship with other unencumbered people of the free spirit.

Nudity becomes normal again

The beginnings of tourism and organized nudism in my homeland date back to 1854. At that time, a solar and air spa began to operate in Bled. Wealthy guests, who came to Bled from all over Europe, lived in small ascetic houses. They were fed a light vegetarian diet. Sun and air baths, however, were enjoyed naked and in separate groups. Men in one location, women in another.

The founder of the health resort, Arnold Rikli, came to Slovenia from Wengen, Switzerland. In a few decades, he transformed Bled from a rural environment into a fashionable tourist resort.

Due to the large number of visitors, today there is simply no room for nudism at Lake Bled. Naked swimmers can be found along the nearby Sava River and Lake Bohinj, which is only a good 20 km away.

The only naturist camp in Slovenia near Smlednik, is in the middle of the road between Bled and the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, 50 km away.

King Edward VIII of England

Along the Adriatic Sea, nudism began 50 years later. On the island of Rab is the oldest and one of the most famous nudist beaches on the Adriatic, next to which in 1907 stood a hotel with 50 rooms, which were intended only for nudists. The beach and the whole naturist complex is called Kandorala.

In 1936, King Edward VIII of England spent the summer on the island of Rab with Mrs. Wallis Simpson and his happy companions. The group wanted to swim without clothes. The mayor of the city, of course, fulfilled the wish of the high guest and sent the company to Kandorala beach. This story is told on island of Rab.

But I think, that Edward and Wallis came to Rab because of this beach, which was probably the only one in Europe at that time. If I am wrong, please correct me and write in the comments below.

Nudist camps and beaches

The offer of nudist camps and beaches on the Adriatic increased after the Second World War. Most camps are in the northern Adriatic on the Istrian peninsula. There are also some in Dalmatia and one even in Montenegro.

We tell you about this in the video Cape Cross Swingers Beach. The link to the video is here in the top right corner.

I have known for a long time a joke that could very well be a true story. It reads as follows:

Two Bosnian guys, neighbors from the same village, Haso and Mujo, arrived at sea from the high Bosnian hills. They walked along the beach and watched and watched… they looked at each other and didn’t understand anything. They walked quietly to the end of the beach. There Haso said, with a trembling voice: “Look where we came. Among the poor people. They don’t even have that much money to buy a swimsuit. Look, we’re really rich compared to them. Only we have shoes and only we have jackets. Poor chaps.”

The decline of nudism?

In recent years, many nudist camps on the Adriatic have been transformed into conventional – dressed ones. The reason for this is the large decline in interest in such a holiday. The age limit for guests is rising, and young people are less and less opting for this type of holiday.

This is by no means to say that there is less and less nudity on sea beaches. The opposite is happening. There are fewer and fewer nudist camps and more and more nudist beaches. We are witnessing a real boom in nudism.

Even on the sea coast, on the so-called wild beaches, nudity is more and more every year. The younger generation prefers to choose accommodation close to noisy events and entertainment, and they go swimming where they can be naked. They leave the peace and quiet of naturist camps to the elderly.

Our practice

Uh, that’s where the division begins. We now have nudists and naturists, and what else could be found. There is no more room for that in this video. Another one will have to be done on this topic.

When it is hot, nudity is present on Ariki every day. When the cold wind blows and the rain falls, we dressed up too. Even then, we get dressed when we sail into port or when our captain pulls a camera out of his bag. Simply because Youtoube doesn’t like nudity. Although, there is nothing wrong with nudity, because a partially concealed body is certainly much more exciting than one that is completely naked and exposed.

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