Difference Between Nudism and Naturism

Difference Between Nudism and Naturism – Origin, philosophy and development of naturism. How it came about and what nudism is. What if we preferred to ask ourselves what is the difference between nudism and naturism? We are trying to find the answer to this and the previous question in this article and video.

Difference Between Nudism and Naturism


Naturism is as old as man. Ancient peoples were closely associated with nature. They lived and socialized naked or only partially clothed. In the tropics, many still live this way today.

Modern naturism began to develop as large cities emerged and people began to lose touch with nature. However, not everyone was enthusiastic about technological advances. Some wanted to return to nature and their roots. They also wanted to put their body in the most authentic contact with nature, without clothes, of course. Thus, people began to spend their free time naked in the second half of the 19th century. In their gardens, in the woods, by rivers and lakes.

Nudist beach

Strict rules

At the turn of the 20th century, the first groups of naturists had already organized. They bought the property and fenced it off. This is how the first naturist camps were created.

Naturists at the time were very strict about their way of life. Respect for nature was very important. The dress was banned. Life in these camps was very ascetic. There was no meat on the menu. Smoking was prohibited. Alcohol was also not allowed.

Such camps also functioned as spas, where weight loss and healthy living programs took place. Such a camp has been operating in Bled, Slovenia, since the middle of the 19th century.

Naturism very quickly became a legitimate way of life based on coexistence with nature and other like-minded people. Nudity was only a part of the whole.

The origin of nudism

There were more and more people who wanted to spend their free time naked, but did not agree with the strict rules of naturist philosophy. They did not feel such a great connection with nature. They smoked and drank and ate meat. They liked to hang out naked with like-minded relaxed people. That’s how nudism came about.

The main focus of the first nudists was nudity. Nature was in second or third place, or it was not in the concept at all. Just about every nudist likes to brag that he feels good when he’s naked.

Most people enjoy nudity only occasionally. To such nudists, nudity is not an end in itself. This is about practicality. Because, for example, they don’t like swimsuits to stick to their bodies while swimming. They don’t like traces of sun exposure. Or they simply like the relaxed atmosphere on the beach, in the campsite or on board the sailboat.

Difference Between Nudism and Naturism

Boom of nudism

There has been a real boom of nudism in recent decades. There are fewer and fewer naturists. In the increasingly rare naturist camps, the older generation is spending the summer. There are more and more nudists every year.

Most nudists belong to this last group. In summer they sunbathe and swim naked by lakes, rivers and on the seashore. That kind of nudists are also Ariki’s crew. Here, too, nudity has a more practical meaning than anything else.

What is the practice on Catamaran Ariki

We love the feeling of comfort offered by bathing without a swimsuit. We like the relaxed atmosphere of the naturist environment. We love it, when our skin is warmed and pampered by the sun. It is a wonderful feeling when your body is caressed by a gentle breeze. Have you tried it yet? You know how liberating that is!

Are we nudists? Yes. Because we enjoy the very fact that we are naked.

Are we naturists? Yes. Because we enjoy the close contact of the body, senses and mind with nature.

What the crew also has in common is that we like evenly tanned skin without white spots. The only exception is our captain. He doesn’t have a swimsuit at all. Not one. Still, he always has a white ass. This is because he sits most of the time and never sets it in the sun.

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